
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Activity Last Sunday.......

Last Sunday morning, we went to Sg Chongkak, Hulu Langat for a morning dip.....(aiseyman cam karangan lak...heeeeee :] )..anyways gerakkan my kids awal...jom lets go and mandi sungai!! uishhh, laju jer bangun, if not punyala susah nak bangun pagi yea.....we had our breakfast at one of the gerai along the way to Sg Chongkak, it was nasi lemak kukus (which taste more like nasik biasa yang dikukus), ayam goreng berempah and sambal....and what else if not teh tarik, all 4 of us. Right after eating the kids were so excited to get to the here we come!!! Sampai jer my hubby trus do the necessity, heh, heh.....myself and anak2 gi bentang tikar kat tepi sungai, and change their clothings into swim wear attire.....then apalagi...dive into the water!!!! the water was soooo cold, yea la early in the morningkan...surprisingly aiesha did not turn blue, ieya la toddlerkan....daya ketahanan tu kurang la skit....but she really enjoyed her dipping session with her ayah....we spent our family outing tu until 11:00 am, otw balik my hubby singgah kat Batu 18, Hulu Langat, makan nasik lauk minang....sedap gak, ikan keli masak sambal, i kan baung masak! best giler....tapi I had to control my intake of nasik coz nanti naik balik badan....dah la nak turunkan sekilo pun bagai nak rak....uuuuihhh x leh, x leh...balik I had to drive since hubby dah sleepy sesangat, couldn't drive, tinggal la i sorang yang drive, yang lain2 dah sampai la la land.....

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