
Friday, November 21, 2008

Selamat Berjumpa Kembali....

Memang dah lama dah tulis, jangan kate tulis, jenguk pun susah...nak buat cam time. Kalau nak citer sume baaanyak sangat....but the latest my baby daughter has been diagnosed with Bell's Palsy Syndrome... a condition where the muscle affected will be temporarily paralysed...according to Doctor Yasmin (KPJ Selangor Specialist Hospital formerly known as SMC). Aiesha kena on Oct. 26. Actually before that she had flu + diarrhea. On sunday she was not feeling well so bagi dia ubat for her flu, coughing....ubat mengantuk...early lagi dah tido....bila bangun next morning baru perasan that her mouth senget sebelah...masyaallah I was soo worried at that time...nak gi hospital, my mother is on her way to my house for birthday party of my niece kat Bukit Rahman, Sg Buloh. So nak x nak tunggu la sampai thari...before lunch sempat la gi SMC - juz jumpe MO. Dia kate coz of allergic to medication kena masuk ubat kot tangan (drip la tu)...masa nurse tu cucuk tangan aiesha, meleleh air mata aku...kesiannya....nie baru cucuk tangan....dengar pulak dia nangis "sakit tangan, ibu sakit tangan....."...kalau lah boleh aku gantikan tempat dia...tapi yang sedihnya lagi..nurse x jumpa urat tangan dia...tengok macam nak berpatah tangan aiesha dipulas-pulas....dah cucuk...salah pulak, terkeluar balik jarum tu...Ya Allah....kesian anak MO advise try kat her behind...aku cakap ok lah doctor asal dia x sakit sangat...selesai cucuk, kena tunggu at least 30 minutes nak tengok whether ubat tu jalan ke mother and anak2 dah gi makan dulu sementara tunggu ubat tu spread....unfortunately after almost 1 hour still x de my mother and kids terus pergi dulu rumah my sister with my brother...we all (me, my husband and aiesha) go straight back to the hospital...

Once the MO tengok x der perubahan, dia suh cucuk 2nd dose (increase the quantity)...this time MO tu sendiri yang cucuk kat tangan aiesha....sekejap jer tapi menangis, menjerit aiesha...Hubby pun muka dah lain macam....MO suh tunggu lagi and advised to be warded but we decided not to and inform the MO to set up appointment with Pediatric.We went and see Doc Yasmin, that is when she informed us of the Bell's Palsy Syndrome...sedih x usah cakap lah...kesian aiesha...kecik, kecik dah sakit cam nie...tapi according to Doc the sickness will go away cuma akan mengambil masa yang agak lama...for children at least 4 weeks...x pe lah aku redha...nie cuma dugaan sikit dariNya...aiesha masih lagi bersama aku, masih boleh bergelak ketawa, masih boleh mendengar suara manjanya....Ibu sayang adik....

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